Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And so the journey begins....

Today is the big day! Bryan Ray and I are taking off to discover what the big deal is about Europe. Up to this point we've had quite a bit of excitement regarding our Russian visas and not knowing whether or not this trip would actually take place as we had planned. Lucky for us, we received our visas Monday evening and since then we've been feeling quite relieved. We're flying into Zurich, but after that we're just kinda rolling with the flow. We've got no reservations, no plans set in stone, just some ideas and a train pass to anywhere our hearts desire. Hopefully we don't get stranded anywhere or end up sleeping on park benches.....although I'm no sure how bummed I would be about that becuase it sounds like an adventure.

So wish us well and check back occasionally to see if I've gotten around to posting anything interesting. :-)

This is called traveling light....think it'll last me over 3 months? (Mom, I heard the first time you went to Ukraine you had 7 bags and you were only there for 3 weeks.....)


  1. Oh I'm all over this! Have fun and say hello to the Mother Land for me!

  2. not sure how "bummed" you'd be at sleeping on park benches? You are an adept punner, I never knew...

  3. Ryan, you are adorable. please don't get mugged or sold into sex slavery. That would be sad
